1567 N Aurora Rd Ste 135, Naperville, IL 60563-0727

What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Baby teeth may be temporary, but they’re still important and they are still at risk for cavities. When your child experiences tooth decay at a very young age, it’s usually referred to as baby bottle tooth decay. Dr. Pirooz Zomorrodi at Advance Family Dental Care in Naperville, IL, is a family dentist that can help teach you about baby bottle tooth decay and how you can prevent that from happening to your baby.

What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

You may not realize that even infants are susceptible to tooth decay and cavities, which is why you should be taking care of their teeth as soon as they erupt from their gums. It’s important to instill healthy oral hygiene habits with your family dentist in Naperville, IL, so that you can keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong for years to come.

Baby bottle tooth decay can be caused by many things, but a common cause is frequent and prolonged exposure of your child’s teeth to sugary drinks. This can usually happen when your child is put to bed with a bottle, which is why it’s known as baby bottle tooth decay. Instead of using a bottle to soothe a fussy baby, this is a big reason why it’s important to use a pacifier and keep your child’s teeth and gums clean from bacteria.

Baby bottle tooth decay can easily be prevented by gently brushing your child’s teeth daily as soon as they erupt. You can also avoid putting juice or sugary drinks in your child’s bottle and you should never dip their pacifier in sugar or honey. Encouraging your child to start drinking from a cup after their first birthday will also help keep their teeth healthy and safe from the risk of decay.

Contact Your Family Dentist Today!

It’s important to instill the best oral hygiene habits you can in your child and that starts almost immediately in their life. Contact your family dentist, Dr. Pirooz Zomorrodi at Advance Family Dental Care in Naperville, IL, today at (630) 358-9899 to learn more about baby bottle tooth decay and how it can be prevented.

Advance Family Dental Care

10:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
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